Friday, April 13, 2018

On Wednesday we had a special assembly to remember the ANZAC soldiers and all soldiers that went to war. Here are some photos of the assembly. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Writing Fun

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers 

Room 22 has been learning about Recounts in their Writing. Recently, they made butter out of whipped cream and then wrote a recount of how they made it. Children had fun writing about this exciting experience! and yes they got to enjoy the taste after :) 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Kia ora Parents and Caregivers

Children have been having a great time learning how to swim. Below are some photos that you can enjoy 😊.

Home Learning

Home learning

Here are a few notes on home learning in Room 22.
We have given students homework sheets. This is for ONE WHOLE TERM. These go home on Monday and are marked on Friday. Every student is expected to complete the tasks. If you feel your child should be exempted for any reason, please send a note from home. Also, cross off the ones that you have already done. However, they can repeat one task twice only. This is so they get to experiment and explore other activities. Encourage them to participate in all the learning activities to support their learning. Looking forward to some great Home Learning experiences! 

Spelling lists are also sent home with homework. These lists are pasted at the front of the book and they have one list per week to learn. 

All children are able to access This engaging site is very useful in helping students practise what they have learned in maths. 

Mrs Kumar 

On Wednesday we had a special assembly to remember the ANZAC soldiers and all soldiers that went to war. Here are some photos of the asse...